The lakes Prespa are a unique area where Nature and History co-exist in a peacefull way. In co-operation with the Society for the Protection of Prespa, and within the framework of the LIFE “JunEx” programme, we have sign-posted 2 trails in the area. The JunEx programme consists of the Restoration and Conservation of Greek Juniper Forests (Juniperetum excelsae) in Prespa National Park. The first trail links the village of Psarades to the Cape Roti and the hermitage of Metamorphosi. The second path links the church of Agios Georgios to the summit of Mt. Devas. Both trails have been sign-posted with introductory signs, directional signs on pylons as well as paint and ribbons (for the parts inside the forest). Should you require further information about the trails of lake Prespa, you can buy the guidebook here.
Paths of Greece has developed these trails for the Society for the Protection of Prespa.